
On Eagles' Wings

30/12/2013 00:32
It’s a week since our exciting Sri Lankan holiday began and we’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Best of all have been precious times we’ve spent with family and friends – creating fresh vibrant memories to carry home in our hearts when our time here comes to an end. Christmas in Sri Lanka after 17 years! It’s been awesome. 17 of us sat down to lunch together on the Christmas day. What joy we experienced as we celebrated Christ’s birth together, deepening relationships that have lasted over many decades like a house that stands sure on a firm foundation.


One morning, we caught up with close friends – meeting them after 17 years. It was a happy happy time. Shan and I and Asela left them with a sense of gratitude for old ties renewed. One afternoon we caught up with a friend from my youth and his family in their spacious beautiful eco mansion. He was amazingly generous with his time as well as his bounty - it was like stepping into an oasis when we entered their beautiful home. We left with smile on our faces. One night, friends at a beachside resort gave us an evening to remember – dining under the stars where palm branches waved their large beautiful branches; where music and exuberant dancing ended a perfect evening.
Moments with my beloved Mum have been very precious. I’ve been savouring them – adding colourful beads to a chain called memory– a stunning necklace to adorn my spirit and to make it glow. We are being pampered here – no meals to cook – only feasting to do; and fellowship to thrive on! One day I caught up with my 21 year old ‘Mum and Me’ friends – how enchanting it was - the little 2 year old ‘Me’s of yester-year have grown into handsome young men and women of who make their Mums very very proud.


Today is the 30th of December 2013 - 2 days left before we usher in a brand New Year. I reflect on the year that has passed. I reflect on what I’ve learnt during 12 months that whizzed by far too quickly. As in most years, 2013 too has seen both tears and smiles; bad health and good; hard times and blessing. Now…as I reflect, I remember. I remember His Love; I remember His Presence; I remember God’s Faithfulness. So what has 2013 taught me? What can I take with me to a brand new Year? I perceive the lessons vividly - a child’s red crayon drawing on the garden wall – unexpected, striking, vibrant.

Waiting is never easy is it? I had to wait 17 long years for Christmas in Sri Lanka. But that wait was more than worthwhile. Christmas 2013 has been a fountain of joy that sprouted blessing upon blessing. And now, as I look back, I find a common thread running through the year.
Waiting upon the Lord. Waiting on His ways. Waiting for His time. Waiting for His promises to be fulfilled. After my operation in January I spent 6 weeks waiting. Lying on my back for so long was taxing. But everything else about it was glorious. So it was an ‘easy’ kind of waiting. I spent beautiful times with God, relaxing, meditating, being still. I loved it. The much harder wait came afterwards – when for the next 6 weeks my body protested - big time. The weeks of inactivity made my fibromyalgia symptoms aggressive – like a squawking bird in captivity or a growling hungry lion pacing its den.


It was then that I remembered the words God gave me for the 2013. ‘Wait upon the Lord’. Some months later, when I experienced another challenging season, I learnt the truth of it once more. Because each time I turned to God perplexed and sad, He reminded me to ‘Wait upon the Lord.’ I re-discovered that waiting is rarely passive or inactive. Waiting on Him was permitting God to handle what I could not do – in His time and in His way. Waiting on the Lord involved trust. Waiting on Him involved praise. Because praise indicated trust. Waiting upon the Lord was also to follow Jesus’ example. Forgiving freely. Loving generously. Being silent when needed. Speaking out when He required it. Becoming all He’s created me to be – walking in integrity no matter what. Seeking His face. Doing what He called me to in an attitude of total surrender.


I stop. I look up. I smile with God. It has been a difficult year but also a good one. There’s been surprise and dismay at life’s mysteries. But also wonder and sheer joy at the love of a faithful God. My outward smile today reflects the peace He in His grace has planted within.


What has your year has been like? Have there been too many moments of bewilderment? Of sadness? Of  hurt? Of pain? Of strife? If so, I’m deeply sorry. Sadly, life is often no picnic. But let me whisper an encouraging word.


But those who wait on the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

Yes, I have discovered that there’s blessing when we wait upon the Lord. God has fulfilled the promises He gave me at the beginning of 2013. He turned my mourning into dancing and my tears into praise. He changed a mantle of despair into a robe of gladness. Today I stand amazed at all He has done for me. And I rise up on eagles' wings.

A Joyful New Year to all my Blog Readers. May 2014 be a fabulous year for you, filled with God’s love, His joy and His presence. May you experience His Hand upon your life. And as the dawn breaks, may you too…. rise On Eagles' Wings.



The Front Row

20/12/2013 19:49
We had gathered for a carol practice – choristers from two churches. My church members and I were on home territory. I decided we should make the others feel welcome. I grinned at their friendly faces. I went up to them and chatted for awhile. Soon we were asked to form three rows to could sing as a choir. I joined friends in the front row. That’s where I usually end up because of my height. I was too short for anywhere else.
It was then that I felt God whisper into my heart. ‘Make them feel welcome Anusha’. So I turned back and said with a smile ‘Why don’t you take our places in the front row?” They smiled back. We exchanged places. And everyone was happy. Myself included.
Until I realised I couldn’t see the choir conductor very well. Oh! Never mind, I told myself. All for a worthy cause. Besides, I could peep in between two heads and that way I could see well enough. I enjoyed those practices. I had two great friends on either side of me. One of them joked all the time and made me laugh. The other was a kindred spirit. It was lovely to make new friends too. I even discovered a lady who was from Sri Lanka. And of course, singing carols with others always bring me joy.
On the day of our performance, I dressed in dark pants and a white blouse. I made sure my bag contained all I needed, including a bottle of water – it was a warm day. I drove to church for our sound rehearsal. I hastened to the platform here we were to be seated. I hopped on to it and began moving towards my seat in the second row. But stopped short as I realised something was amiss. My seat had been taken by a newcomer. Oh!
I sidled backwards and onto the grass. Where could I sit? ‘Would you like to sit in the front row Anusha?” asked the choir leader. My eyebrows shot up. Now that was a surprise. But....why not? 'Yes, thanks!' I replied with a wide grin. I stepped onto the stage again Yes, there were two seats in the front row so I took one. It was then that I felt God's whisper in my heart once again. It was His gift to me - that front row seat. Wow! I was so amazed.
I confess that I enjoyed sitting there in the front row that day. For one thing I had a great view of the proceedings. For another I felt deeply blessed to know how it came about. I had given up my front row seat for a good reason. And there was God working things out for me. I was in the front row again – because He put me there. That was special. And very encouraging.
I was encouraged not just because I got a seat in the front row. I was encouraged because it was a sneak peak of other situations where I wondered what God was doing. Sometimes circumstances have pushed me to the back row. The view wasn’t good. I struggled to see the ‘Conductor’ and to follow His music. But that day God taught me not to fret. It’s His job to bring me to the front row, not mine. He will do at the right time. Yes, I can trust Him.
Have you been pushed to the back row lately? Are you wondering what God has been up to? Have you been sitting patiently in the dark – way behind in the back row – hoping the lights will come on and that you will see better? Sometimes our times in the back row are training seasons. Usually they are only for a brief time. Sometimes though, they go on for far too long! And we begin to wonder where the Conductor's gone and what He is doing.
Let me remind you my friend that one day the Master Conductor will walk up to you and ask you to move to a seat in the front row; one with a grand view. May God encourage you today with His promises and His hope. May you leave the past behind with its disappointments and its sorrows. May you walk ahead confidently into the New Year and with your head held high, knowing that He who conducts life’s orchestra knows what he is about.  His music will get your off your feet to start to dance even while the rain pours down. His anthems are melodious; His music sweet.
As this New Year unfolds, may God place you in best seat of all.

“And may the God of hope fill your heart with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13


I'll be home for Christmas

20/12/2013 16:12
Every three years, we’ve had the joy of holidaying in the country of our birth. 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010. As my son impatiently reminded us many times over, it was time again this year, 2013 for our next trip to Sri Lanka. There was a snag however. Finding a suitable date was difficult. My operation in January took months out of our schedule. Shan and I were immersed in work. Asela’s studies kept him busy all year. Our son worried that we wouldn’t make it to Sri Lanka in 2013 after all.
And then – Shan said something that both surprised and thrilled us. ‘Let’s go to Sri Lanka for Christmas.’ Asela and I looked at him wide eyed. ‘For Christmas?’ The extra cost of plane tickets in December usually stopped us from doing that. But this time my beloved, generous husband said “Let’s do it”. Wow! Thank you Shan. What an exciting plan!
Christmas in Sri Lanka after 17 years. How awesome is that! I was specially glad to figure out that I’d be spending Christmas in the room of my childhood. Warmth and gladness envelope me now as I reflect on it, a light blanket that covers me, making me feel contented and snug. I was only 7 months old when my family came to reside at No. 10; I was 28 going on 29 when I married and left home. So I’ve spent 28 years in the room of my childhood.
A lovely large bedroom it was, painted in light green then with high ceilings, two large windows, bunk beds, cool red cement floors. As for the memories it holds? Sisterly giggles and sisterly fights, whispered confidences, prayers, smiles, tears, joy, laughter, fun, a bride’s hopes and dreams… that room has seen it all. 28 years in one room? That room has seen more of me than the other 10 rooms I've occupied in the next 28 years. Because, you see, I've also been married for close to 28 years.
So it was half a lifetime ago that I last spent Christmas in that room. I well remember that Christmas when dizzy with delight, I welcomed my fiancé back home after his 15 month stint studying in Santa Barbara. We were getting married!
And now it’s 2013. 28 years later. And I’ll be home for Christmas.
A kaleidoscope of memories flash through my mind and my heart quickens as I remember. The season always began with my Dad’s magnificent birthday party. Under Mum’s expert direction, the 7 of us kids acted in a nativity play for our family and friends. What fun we had – hiding in the kitchen practicing, so Dad wouldn’t know what we were up to. Carols, food, laughter, songs, joy… on every 19th December. It was a wonderful start to the Christmas celebrations.
And then…we had our church Carol service on Christmas Eve – filled with glad music and song. A nativity on our church roof for passers by to view and hear the Christmas story - it gathered a large crowd and traffic on the main road often came to a halt. On Christmas morning, there were squeals of delight as the 7 of us raced to each others rooms sharing our treasures. A special breakfast  - milk rice and seeni sambol, breudher and cheese. Church at a packed service - all 9 of us - followed by having family and friends over for a delectable mouth watering Christmas lunch. One of the best parts of Christmas for us kids were the annuals we got to choose as our Christmas gifts. We’d retreat to our rooms on Christmas afternoon to have a read – I can still smell the new pages.. ah… what blissful memories!
I’ll be home for Christmas. Where the warmth of family will embrace me. Where music of past Christmases will play a sweet melody within. Where re-kindling friendships and family times will bring joy. Where relationships will be strengthened and loving ties renewed.
I’ll be home for Christmas. But wait! It’s not just a location you know. It’s a place I can go to, no matter where I am. I’ll be home for Christmas. At my Father’s Table. A Table that invites us all. The sad, the lost, the lonely; the lame, the blind, the hurt; the broken-hearted. Everyone’s invited to gather around His table. He calls us no matter who we are; no matter what state we are in - sick or whole; sad or joyful; weary or refreshed; doubting or full of faith; foolish or learned; in tattered clothing or in party attire. As we tiptoe to a stable in Bethlehem this season, we will find Jesus, a new born baby, who came down to earth for every one of us. The Best News!
I’ll be home for Christmas. Enjoying the presence of my family; my heart filled with thanksgiving. I’ll be home for Christmas, feasting at my Father’s table. To worship Christ the new born king; He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Will you join me?

But the angel said to them“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today, in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; 

He is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10,11


Talking to the Boss

14/12/2013 14:03
Several years ago, “Kelp” was recommended by my doctor in order to help my weakening thyroid function. When I returned from my Writer’s conference in October this year, I couldn’t find my bottle of Kelp pills. I was apportioning my tablets for a new week but was held back by that vanished bottle of Kelp.
I hunted around my food cupboard where it usually reposes. No sign of it there. I looked up on top of our fridge where my husband keeps his pills. No. Not there either. Hmmm…! It was a puzzle. The pills had been unavailable at my usual health food shop and Shan had bought them for me only recently from the city. They had to be there!
The next day I looked again. It irritated me by now. They couldn’t have walked away after all! This time I even prayed. I looked thrice in the same place. No! They were NOT there. I looked in my kitchen drawers. I looked inside my hand bag. Finally, I wandered over to my husband’s domain – where his computer resides and where Shan spends a good portion of his time. This time I found something. A brown paper bag. And guess what was inside? They looked like my kelp pills. Oh!
I wondered whether to take a pill at once – as I usually would after breakfast. But held back. What if they were some other pills that looked like Kelp but weren’t? So I decided it was safer to wait and speak to ‘the boss’. I knew Shan was at a meeting. So I waited patiently for an hour till he was done. Once I was sure his meeting was over – I sent a text message to ‘the boss’ asking him if it was OK to call and then followed it up with a call.
I was very glad I’d waited. Shan had accidentally dropped my bottle of kelp tablets during the weekend. The bag I was going to dip into contained the pills that were unsafe to ingest. They had broken bits of glass among them. The safe pills were residing safely in a different place altogether; inside an old bottle of Vitamin C. I was so glad I had waited. It hadn’t cost me much to wait. It would have cost me more if I’d accidentally ingested some glass with my Kelp tablet.
That made me ponder on my consulting habits. I confer with my ‘boss’ on a daily basis about things that matter. Marriage is a partnership isn’t it – and so we need to work things out together. But what about my Boss – do I do the same with God Himself? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. I do go to God every morning for my marching orders and I do try my best to listen to Him. I do greet Him as I wake up and say ‘Good Morning Holy Spirit. Good Morning God. Good Morning Jesus.’ And then I ask Him to take over.
But do I depend on Him all the time?
Jesus said to his disciples that when he went away he would send the Holy Spirit to be their Counsellor, their Guide, their Comforter. The Holy Spirit is my Leader too. He is my Guide. He knows everything I don’t. He knows what is safe for me and what isn’t. He knows what’s contaminated. He knows what is pure. He knows everything about everything. Where the little bits of glass are that can prick me. Where the pathway lies and where the detours are. He knows the best plans for me today, tomorrow and in the days to come.
How foolish then when I forget to turn to His counsel. Much wiser of course to cultivate an attitude of dependence on Him. The Holy Spirit together with God the Father and God the Son created the world, the universe and everything in it, even little old me. He is the One I can depend on. He is my Wisdom. He is my Helper. He is my Story. He is my Song.
Have I remembered to talk to the Boss today?
“If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father that He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:16, 26, 27


A gift for YOU!

07/12/2013 11:51
A couple of weeks ago I went to my doctor’s surgery for my weekly dose of Vitamin C. A friend who has Fibromyalgia reported remarkable results from infusions of high dose Vitamin C. Which was why I decided to try them too. So there I was that morning. I was idly looking around the doctor’s surgery  when a flash of yellow grabbed my attention. I looked again. Yes, there it was - a beautiful bunch of bright yellow flowers.
They made a pretty picture and brightened the whole room. It was then that God whispered in my ear. ‘These flowers are for you Anusha’.  I smiled inwardly – my special smile reserved for God alone. ‘Really? Why thank you God!’ I said as I drank in the sight of those flowers.
A few years ago, I’d learnt a happy truth. I don’t need to own something to enjoy it. Know what I mean? I could enjoy those flowers in my doctor’s waiting room as if they were mine. I can see them, can’t I? And that is enough. More than enough. Appreciation always makes life far more enjoyable doesn’t it? Enjoying eye catching footwear is another example. I’ve never been able to wear pretty sandles or shoes because I had to choose shoes for comfort – not for style. Thankfully it doesn’t stop me enjoying the footwear of others. I get much pleasure from it even though I can’t wear them myself.
Yes, God’s blessed me with two eyes to see with, two ears to hear with, a nose to smell with, a heart to love with, hands to bless with! I don’t need to own things to enjoy them. So that morning I enjoyed those flowers and delighted in them. I did need some brightening that day – so I received His gift and was filled to the brim (Thank you God)
I remembered then that a few years ago God did something very special. He gave my family an unusual gift. Here’s how it happened. While I was buying groceries one evening, the young girl at the checkout counter handed me a cute little soft toy. She asked ‘Would you like to have this?”. ‘Of course’ I responded with a happy smile. It was a free offer for anyone who spent over $75.00 for their groceries. I was delighted.
What made it extra special was that I had a definite impression that God whispered in my ear ‘This little giraffe is a special gift from me to you, Anusha’. Yes, that’s what I heard Him say. What does it mean, I wondered! I hugged my little pet giraffe. He was cute. Very cute. I was surprised at the instant love I felt for this inanimate small soft toy even as his large melting brown eyes gazed up at me. Maybe that’s what God was telling me through him? That God’s love for me is boundless? Was that it? I didn’t know. My husband agreed he was really cute. My son was enamoured by him. So in no time at all, Raf became an important part of our family.
It took several months though before I discovered why God had given Raf to us. No –  it wasn’t to show me how much He loved me. I knew that anyway. Instead I believe it was something unusual. Little Raffy brought a special spark into our family life. The three of us enjoyed playing with him – keeping him in comical positions for the others to find – talking to our little pet giraffe as if he was a live pet, playing with him together. The gift of Raf brought us very close as a family. That was what God was on about. I loved it. How amazing was that!
‘These flowers are for you Anusha’, He said to me two weeks ago.
If I listen to Him more often I know I’d hear more.
There’s a sunset I splashed in the sky today my child. Why don’t you go out to see it?
You had a great day today didn’t you? It was my gift to you.’
Did you see that parrot fly overhead? I thought you’d like the sight’.
That smile from a stranger was also a gift from me. Did you notice Anusha?”
I believe I have many gifts from my Father every single day – I’m sorry to say that sometimes I’m too busy to notice. Sometimes too preoccupied. Sometimes too upset or anxious or fretful. Silly me!
Today – I have something for YOU, dear Reader of my blog. Yes, this scene is just for YOU! As you gaze on it’s beauty, may our Father’s love envelope you. May He refresh your spirit and fill you with His peace.

My Friend, this gift is for YOU!

And maybe.. just maybe…. as you continue through your week – He might surprise you with another happy gift or two – gifts that will make you clap your hands in glee and shout for joy!

Keep your eyes fixed

30/11/2013 12:38
I was at church enjoying our time of worship when something caught my eye. Bright. Unusual. Exquisite. It was a beautiful tree of lights twinkling in splendour; emanating its special radiance. The unusual tree had been brought into our church for our Church Anniversary service. We’d each written our thanks to God on attractive translucent leaves which we then hung on the tree. Now they sparkled brightly in thanksgiving and praise.
I enjoyed the tree’s message as I gazed upon it. Jesus, the light of the world. Jesus the source of our joy. Jesus – to whom all praise is due. Jesus whose death and resurrection brought life and hope and joy to the world. Yes, those beautiful lights did remind me of Jesus, the light of our world.
I confess that I found the tree a little distracting. I must add that it was a good kind of distraction. Yes, it side tracked me in an exciting liberating kind of way. I stole quick glances at it. Each time I looked I felt a special refreshment, like a long, delicious drink of cold water on a hot summer's day. You know how it feels to lift up your eyes to view picturesque green mountains? Or the tangy pleasure to your tastebuds when you bite into a luscious red strawberry? The smell of sun-dried clothes as you bring them in from outdoors? The comfort of been tightly hugged by someone you love dearly? Or the joy that sparkles within when beautiful music explodes in your ears and you begin tapping your feet to its beat?
That’s what I experienced as I looked at that tree. Every time I turned my eyes to look at it, I was renewed from within. I also discovered that the tree seemed to be sharing a secret with me. What was it? Hmmm! I puzzled over it for a few minutes. And then….….eureka! I got it. I knew it as clearly as if God has shouted it across the room using a megaphone. In each glance at the tree was a refuelling – a blessing. So there it was. The message of the tree for me that morning was simply this - ‘Fix your eyes upon Jesus’. Simple. Profound. True for every believer. Fix your eyes upon Jesus!
When going through a tumultuous time – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When I’m sad or in pain – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When I’m a doubting Thomas – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When trouble lurks behind each shadow – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When others disappoint me – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When I sin fix my eyes on Jesus.
When I am rejoicing – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When life is good – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When life is puzzling – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When Satan throws his arrows at me fix my eyes on Jesus.
When tough times assail me – fix my eyes on Jesus.
When the sun is shining and the world is beautiful – fix my eyes on Jesus.
Sometimes, when life is good – it’s tempting to forget where I should focus – or rather whom I should focus on. It’s easy to set my mind then on the blessings. Easy to forget the Giver. And likewise, when life is difficult – it’s far easier to focus on the problem. To forget to gaze upon the Source of the solution. Jesus! Yes, the message of the tree was very simple. No matter what the season – fix my eyes upon Jesus.
Sometimes the simplest lessons are the finest. The lessons that change our lives. During every season, no matter what the weather….. let me Fix My Eyes Upon JESUS!
Will you join me?

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full on His wonderful face.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim.

In the light of His glory and grace.

(Words and music – Helen H. Lemmel 1922)


You don't have to be perfect

23/11/2013 16:07
I've not known her for long. Rose (not her real name) walked into my life 18 months ago. Her smile captured my heart and resonated within. Her cheerful nature grabbed me. Our common love for Jesus knitted us together and we soon became close friends. In a short space of time Rose has been the fragrance of Jesus in my life.
A few months ago, I was in need of prayer. I called my new friend. I didn’t have long to wait. Rose dropped what she was doing and came by at once. She brought flowers in her arms. Her bright smile warmed me. It always does. Her hug said it all. ‘I am here for you’. Thank you Rose. Before long I was spilling my concerns into her loving heart.
But wait. Not exactly! Let me explain.
You see, Rose is a talker. Listening is not one of her many giftings. That day, as I tried to share my pain with her I couldn’t get a few words out before my dear friend Rose interrupted me with her stories. It wasn’t that she meant to be unkind. Not at all. She did seek to bless me. But Rose believed that by sharing similar stories in her life – she would help me. And so amidst my pain – I also had to smile.
I let Rose talk. And she did. Eventually in short bursts I managed to share my story with her. After which we had a wonderful time of prayer together, my friend Rose and I. I felt my Father’s presence then. ‘For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them’ said Jesus. God joined our hearts in unison as we prayed. I felt the power of those prayers touch me before she left.
No – Rose is no listener. But you know what? It didn’t matter. Her heart of gold was evident. Her prayers blessed me. So much so that after she left my heart felt much lighter. A burden shared is always a burden halved isn’t it? And I thanked God for Rose.

That day, I learnt something new. You don’t have to be perfect to bless another. Did you know that? Does that make sense? No, you don’t have to be perfect.  I often value the art of listening in a friend. Because you see, when I feel listened to – my heart is soothed. And my cares fall off like a heavy backpack that is tossed aside for ever. Rose on the other hand talked more than she listened. But it didn’t matter. It did not matter a bit.

Her heart made up for it. A heart of caring. One that empathised warmly. Eyes that shed tears along with me. Kindness that sought to bless. Rose has a difficult life. She has many responsibilities and many cares. But they don't prevent her from reaching out to me when I need a lift. I can cope with her talking. Because I see into her heart. Her heart of gold. I know she loves me because she makes sure I do. And I love her too. Rose has a passion for God and is frequently His Hands and feet to the world around her.
You don’t need to be perfect to serve God. Did you know that? I know – because in spite of my own weaknesses, inadequacies and failings, God does use me on occasion. A grand surprise. One that warms me from within. In the Bible we find that many of God’s heroes had their own special brand of sin. Abraham lied. Moses was a murderer. David committed adultery. Peter ran away. Jacob was deceitful. The Disciples rarely got it – they had no idea what Jesus was up to. But you know what? God used them all. Big time!

You don’t have to be perfect to be used by God. I cheer from the rooftops as I say it now. He uses broken, imperfect vessels. Like me. All He asks for is a heart of humility – a heart surrendered to Him. A heart that depends on the Holy Spirit. A heart which allows Him to take the lead. You don’t have to be perfect. Just link your hand in God’s and fly high like the eagle. And you will bless your world in His strength. You don’t need to be perfect. Linking your life with a perfect God will do it.

And don’t forget….

You are precious to God.

You are also useful to God – just the way you are!



His smile is a GIVEN

16/11/2013 16:36
It had been a very busy week. Work – lots of it; chores – that never ended – visitors to care for; too much to do – yes – I’d had plenty to keep me going. And now? Now I was exhausted. Together with riding out a tough season – I was more than exhausted. I felt as if I had just returned from the wars. You know the feeling?
I left for my evening walk hoping for some refreshment. I also eagerly anticipated seeing God’s smile. I’d been enjoying the sight of a bright crescent moon for a few days now. It was one I always welcomed, as if my Daddy God was smiling down at me. I smiled back at Him often – as I wended my way around the Oval. Yes, God and I often exchange smiles, grins, chuckles and laughter. After all, He is my Best Friend as much as my Father.
Today I needed His smile even more than usual. My bones were aching. My muscles screamed in weariness. My heart drooped, like a balloon that had been pricked, having no choice but to fizzle out dejectedly. As I turned into the Oval I realised with a start that it was not the right time to expect my Father’s smile. The moon doesn’t remain a crescent size forever does it?
Of course! It was a cheerless discovery. I turned into the Oval and kept walking. I looked up to view the evening sky. A glance, no more. But what I saw then took my breath away. A deep blue evening sky with a few stars come out to play. And … there was more.  As I looked above me, there it was – a large three quarter moon beaming down lovingly upon me. I was awed. Because it was then that God whispered His wisdom into my listening ears.
My smile is a given, my child. What I want to give you today is more. Far more. Don’t you understand?” More? Is that right God? But of course. How could I not know it? His smile is always present, shining upon His children. And today? Today He was brightening my life with not just His smile but also the light of His countenance. Today, His whole face was shining down upon me. Wow!


It struck me with clarity that often I look for the wrong things in the wrong places. For His ‘yes’ when His ‘No’ is a better answer. For an easy life when tough circumstances bring me true riches. The applause of men when my Father’s affirmation is all I need. A broad path to walk on when He’s often reminded me that the narrow path leads to life. I sought His smile when instead my Father's whole countenance beamed down upon me.

I shook my head. Silly me! How long does it take for me to discern the way God works? An unattractive wrappping of  a difficult season often uncovers a precious treasure. That treasure is often not visible. Till later. Sometimes I am busy looking for the wrong kind of blessing when a far deeper blessing is being showered on me. I should have known! And so I looked up with understanding. In an instant, the stress of my busy week fell off my shoulders like a weighty cape that slid down  quickly and effortlessly. I was free. Unencumbered by wrong assumptions. Free again to walk with  joy under the light of His bright countenance.

Have you wondered where God is in this present season? Perhaps God’s blessings to you today are packaged differently to what you expect? If His smile seems to be missing – perhaps you’ve overlooked an important truth? That His smile is a GIVEN. You do not need to look for it. What He’s blessing you with right now is far more than that. The light of His beloved face shines down upon you, blessing you in ways you will one day understand. Till then…..please hang in there. And as you wait, may He bless you with His peace.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26



Try a little Music... spread a little Glee

10/11/2013 16:45
Music and song have been part of my life as far back as I remember. I've always loved to sing. I sang my way through my childhood. I sang my way through my teenage years. I sang my way through my twenties. And I still love to sing. I may not be part of a choir now – but I sing as lustily as I can when worshipping God in church. Sometimes I walk around our neighbourhood oval belting out praise songs to my Father God – (don’t worry – it’s when no one else is around) –  a little bird making melodies with joy and abandon.
Yes, I love to sing. So it was a big thrill when I won a free voice training lesson with Voicewell a few months ago. Voicewell, (a voice coaching business), is run by my friend Karina. Karina has a voice of an angel and the smile of one as well. Since my heart has felt rather bruised and battered state of late, I’d made a decision last week. I would make Friday, Nov 8th a day of celebration. Of life; of God; of His goodness to me. And what better way to do that than with an hour of praise with someone who also loved God?
Karina turned up at 11 am, just as she promised. Seeing her beautiful smiling face at my front door brightened my heart. I spent an enchanting hour with her learning many things I’d had absolutely no knowledge of before. I didn’t know that there are true and false folds in our vocal chords. Did you? I knew I had to use my diaphragm in my breathing – but I discovered that I wasn’t using that knowledge while I sang. No wonder then that I was often out of breath. (Use that diaphragm Anusha!)
It was only one hour of instruction. But one crammed with insights which will help me sing better and talk better. One of the songs she chose ministered to me very powerfully. I was awed – the words echoed words God has spoken to me through His Word only a few days before. Talk of healing a battered heart. Not only did my head grow in wisdom. My heart too was blessed as I worshipped God. It was a precious time.  
I told Karina that although she wouldn’t have a clue as to how or why – she was a ministering angel to me that morning. I’d fixed the lesson about 6 weeks prior to that day. I didn’t know then that it would not only help me sing better, it would also help me heal. I didn’t know. But of course God did.
Music is one of God’s loveliest gifts to us, don’t you think? As I study God’s word every morning, I love hearing praise songs rise to God around me. Music soothes me. It comforts me. It sets me free. It has a way of connecting me to my Father God in a way that nothing else does. Many of my awesome times of worship have risen out of hearing a song that spoke to my heart, stopping my Bible study at once to bow down and worship God – enjoying His presence; declaring that He is Lord. Lord of my life. Lord also of this grand Universe that He has fashioned through His heart and Hands of love.
I was reminded of another gift of God when I received a lovely long birthday email from my special friend Marto. In the days of our youth, Marto and I had regularly exchanged 30 page snail mail letters.Writing them came easily to us, like sliding gaily down a water slide on a bright summer’s day. No wonder then that my learned friend Marto went on to do a PHD in English. Her humble friend (little me) is now pursuing a career in Creative Writing. Perhaps those letters were the foundation of both our vocations! Marto mentioned something significant in her last letter - the power of humour. A timely reminder. (Thank you Marto)
Music is great therapy. Laughter is also great therapy. I made sure my day of celebration included lots of both. I was deeply touched when my friend Leanne gifted me last week with her own precious copy of an Adrian Plaas book. (Bless you Leanne) I’ve been chuckling over it since. Its humour adds much to my pleasure.


Are you feeling jaded? Why not try a little music. Are you feeling sad? Why not try a little laughter. I now embrace my present season of life with music in my heart and a bright smile upon my lips. With laughter bubbling within. Life is good. Music’s grand. Laughter is great medicine. And don’t forget… ..... .... ....... .... God’s mercies are new every morning.

It’s time to celebrate!

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.


For the Lord is a great God, the great King above all gods. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care. Psalm 95:1,2,3,6,7



I choose JOY

03/11/2013 12:52
Last Friday was my birthday. My 56th birthday. (Gee… I’m getting old!) I’d been on the brink of 50 when God led me into my Writing journey. It has been the most fulfilling time of my life. Yes, my ‘golden years’ ushered in a beautiful season filled with hope, promise and joy. I love my life (most of the time). I love being a writer (all of the time).  I am now 56 years old and blessed to be exactly where I am.
Events that took me by surprise during the week  brought me to my birthday morning shocked and perplexed. I hardly slept the night before so I was bleary eyed. The day whizzed by in a state of bewilderment and sadness, tears and questions. Yes, it was a most unusual birthday. I felt then that it was my saddest birthday.  
Today as I write this is the day after my birthday. I reflect on the day that was past. Yesterday I dubbed it the saddest birthday of my life. Today I realise that it was also the gladdest birthday of my life. “How’s that?”, your eyebrows ask. Let me explain.
From the time I woke up last morning I was showered with love. While my heart was sad – I was also warmed from wthout. My husband blessed me – with many giant bear hugs, special, thoughtful gifts and a card that said it all. From a caring text message while at work (that made me smile) to surprising me with red roses when he returned home. From being there for me when I needed him most to being TBHAGEH! Yes, he lived up to the title I’d given him when we were newly married – The Best Husband A Girl Ever Had!
My son warmed  me. His caring words in a perfect card made my cry. His hug was a unique treat. His words of concern thrilled my mother-heart. Yes, both my men came up trumps. I couldn’t have asked for better. A close friend took me out for coffee and cake (that melted in the mouth). Her love and her kindness choked me up. The phone rang all day. My two older sisters blessed me so by their comforting big sisterly listening ears and their love and prayers for me. Talking to my Mum was just the medicine I needed. I had plenty of warm, uplifting Facebook wishes (too many to count), joyful birthday emails that came tumbling in all day, cards and e-cards, caring text messages, long conversations with family and friends who love me – all which blessed me beyond measure.
So how can I say it was my saddest birthday when many amazing people in my world made it so special? How can I say it was my saddest birthday when God’s love and care has held me up all week? How can I say it was my saddest birthday when I felt so rich in the love of family and friends?
The Christian life is a paradox isn’t it? In the Christian walk – it is when I am weak that I am strong. It’s when I am poor that I am rich. It’s when I have nothing to offer the world that God gives me everything through His Spirit. It’s when I mourn that I can be comforted. It’s when I grieve that hope shines brightest.
Yes, it was the saddest birthday of my life. But… it was also the gladdest birthday of my life. It was a day when heaven smiled upon me. When birds sang and breezes blew. When the sun shone bright. When the hurt and confusion I felt could not mar the immense love poured on me by so many. A day when God affirmed me. And told me He loved me.
Today my heart is still weary and perplexed. I may have stormy times ahead. I will need to trust God with my tomorrows. But I do have God. I do have Jesus. I do have His Holy Spirit leading me. I do have many precious, loving people in my life. I do have hope. I do have the Word of God which encourages and builds me up.
It is not our circumstances that direct our attitudes. It is the hope that Jesus came to bring. I could choose to wallow in my misery. Or I could lift my head high and walk in His strength. It is not what happens to me that makes my heart sing. It is Jesus. It is not yesterday that matters. It is today and what I choose to do with it.
I choose joy.
Let me walk into a brand new year of living with the wind in my face and the bright hope of Jesus shining within. Life is good. Life is always good. Even during its darkest moments. Because God is good.


I choose JOY.


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