
Date: 01/07/2013

By: Anu

Subject: Re: 39 years!!

Hi Chits,
Great to hear that you too became a Christian in the true sense of the word in 1974. And yes, it's our 40th year of knowing Him and enjoying the faithfulness of a loving God.

So you publicly announced it at the Praise and Worship conducted by the ship Logos? 16th February 1974? Lovely. My date was 12th May and Sal's was in April at the camp we both attended. Aren't we blessed?
Thanks for sharing Chits,
Anu xo

Date: 01/07/2013

By: Chitrani

Subject: Blue Jacket

Dear Anu,
Its a long time since I read your blog. I am so glad your feet have healed and you are up and about. Sorry if time has elapsed since your healing and I am mentioning only now. The past few weeks I have been looking at my mail, but didn't sit down to think about it. Today, the first day of a new month, I seem to have a bit of time to write back. Most part of my time has been revolving around my children & grand children. I must admit I can easily get lost in it!!

Reading about your Blue Jacket, I realised how often God makes us laugh! The other day I was reading about Sarah's laugh when she was told she would bear a child in her old age. The laugh only reminds us, our God is a prayer answering God, He is never late, He is always on time! I have so many stories of God's Favour and Goodness. So many times He has surprised me in reducing prices!! Praise God, you not only got your Jacket, but a beautiful blouse too. What a laugh!! May He continue to surprise you and bless you everyday with His bounty. I wish you had put a picture of you wearing the Jacket!
Heaps of love,

Date: 01/07/2013

By: Anu

Subject: Re: Blue Jacket

Dear Chits,
How lovely to hear from you. Thanks so much for reading my blog and for sharing afterwards too. I love getting feedback so that was lovely. I also loved hearing about the way God makes us laugh and that you have many stories of His favour and blessing.

Yes, He has been blessing me bountifully this season - and not only did He give me that jacket - He also blessed me with a pretty blouse. :) That's our God for you, isn't it? The thing is that if I hadn't bought the blouse - I'd have missed the jacket too - because it was hidden from view till I walked up to the paying counter. So it was a double blessing. So glad to hear you have had many occasions like that too Chits. Our God is an amazing God isn't He?

As for the picture of me in my jacket - I did ask Asela to take one. Unfortunately it was in the sunlight so the picture wasn't too good. And I didn't want to bother him again! :)

Thanks also for your loving words about my healing and being up and about. Never too late! :)

Thanks for those warm and lovely wishes. Wishing you the same - may He bless you and surprise you with His bounty, favour and love, Chits,
Much love,
Anu xo

Date: 14/06/2013

By: Kayleen West

Subject: Nothing is wasted!

Dear Anusha,

I saw it then (when we met in Brisbane at the Word Writers Conference) and I see it reflected in your writing: such a passion for Jesus and a heart to look on the bright side. Not always an easy thing to do and a great inspiration for many I am sure. Keep blogging :-)


Date: 14/06/2013

By: Anusha

Subject: Re: Nothing is wasted!

Dear Kayleen,
Thanks so much for taking time to read my blog and also to comment on it. Really appreciate it since I know how precious time is for a busy Mum, Writer and Illustrator and much more. Bless you my friend.

Thanks also for your encouragement which put a smile on my face. May God bless your days with His presence, His love and His perfect peace. From one writer to another... THANK YOU! :

With every blessing,
Anusha xo

Date: 03/06/2013

By: Dashika

Subject: Standing on a rock

Dear Anu,

How I loved reading your blog, yes, what a wonderful God we have, He indeed is our Rock. I was really encouraged reading those wonderful, well loved bible verses, the Lord has been my Saviour and my God for the past 39 years and He has never ever failed me and I can totally testify that He is indeed faithful to those who put their trust in His unfailing love!

I was also amused reading about you waving your man off to work, after the goodbye kiss at the door way - something which we have done over the years that we have been married - and I may not stand outside, but I always watch from the window to wave him off as he drove off.

Thank you so much for your inspiring blogs Anu, do keep on writing!
Much love and every blessing xx

Date: 04/06/2013

By: Anu

Subject: Re: Standing on a rock

Hi dear Dashika,
How lovely to hear from you. Thanks so much for reading my blog and for taking the time to send me feedback as well. Bless you. So glad you too enjoyed those Bible verses as I did. It sounds like you and I came to know our Lord the same year. I too became a believer in 1974 - so it was 39 years this year for me too. He's been an amazing Lord and Saviour hasn't He?

I smiled when I heard of how you too wave your man off to work from the window. These little rituals in marriage do add to them don't they? :)

Thanks again Dashika for your encouraging words.
Much love always to you too and many blessings,
Anu xo

Date: 01/04/2013

By: sal

Subject: The perfect love story

Dearest sis,
Thank you for this post. He is indeed the greatest lover!
Reflecting on all He did on the cross and the days prior to it moved me afresh this past month. Its 39 years since I saw my need for Him and accepted Him at a camp in Bandarawela in April of 1974. (Methinks it's the same for you).

He is risen indeed!

Date: 01/04/2013

By: Anu

Subject: Re: The perfect love story

Hi dearest Sal,
Thanks so much for reading my blog and for responding. So glad to hear that you've been reflecting this past month on the cross and all that meant to us. That's awesome! So much to thank Him for, isn't it? When reflecting on the Easter story on Easter Sunday I was very moved by Mary Magdalene's account and felt I was her - and that I was seeing Jesus as He arose from the dead. I couldn't stop the tears rolling down as I enjoyed a fresh 'encounter' with the risen Christ.

Yes, I too came to know Him 39 years ago - but a bit later than you. I thought I'd been a Christian at that camp because I had accepted Him into my heart many times before. But I didn't really know Him - I found that those at the camp had something I didn't have. So a month later after much reflection (on May 12th 1974) n the quietness of our bedroom, I asked Jesus to become my Lord and Saviour. Life has not been the same since.

Bless you for your encouraging words dearest sis.
Love always,
Anu xo

Date: 01/04/2013

By: sal

Subject: Re: Re: The perfect love story

Yeah I remember you saying that...wasn't sure exactly when. I too had walked up before at rallies etc and thought I understood it all. But the reality hit me of what it meant at that camp one day...that was the start!

thanks for encouraging me along the way 'nangi' & for the many memories!
bless you

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